Telegram CEO Pavel Durov Released
The CEO of Telegram and Telegram Web, Pavel Durov, has been released from custody and is on €5,000,000 bail. Learn more here.
A couple of days ago, the BreachDirectory blog publicized a story of the Telegram and Telegram Web CEO, Pavel Durov, being arrested. According to sources on X (Twitter), it appears that Pavel Durov has now been released from custody and is on bail after being indicted.
It’s now widely known that earlier on, the CEO of Telegram got arrested, but now, according to BBC and other sources, Pavel Durov has been released from custody. However, the CEO remains under investigation and is forbidden from leaving France as a whole.
The authorities seem to still be angry at Pavel Durov for his platform’s refusal to share information with law enforcement – according to BBC, Pavel Durov has been released from police custody in France and undergone some questioning. The arrest of Pavel Durov has caused an uproar across people in Eastern Europe and especially Russia and Ukraine, where Telegram is said to be one of the key players facilitating communication between friends, workmates, and even military personnel. With that being said, Telegram is said to be a frequent haven for those spreading propaganda and related messages.
There has been some news about the President of France, Emmanuel Macron saying that the arrest of Pavel Durov isn’t a political decision – Macron is known to support tech-based entrepreneurs and is said to even have had dinner with them sometime in 2018.
At the end of the day, Pavel Durov now seems to be a free man for the time being – even though he has to report to the police twice a week, he is now on bail. What do you think about the police acting on the founder of Telegram? Do you think such an act is a prevention of crime or an attack on free speech? Share your thoughts in the comment section below, follow us on LinkedIn, Facebook, and Twitter (X), and until next time.
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