
Old-School Nokia 3310 Instead of Smartphones: A Reality in Elite Schools

One of the most elite schools in the UK — Eton College — has banned traditional smartphones in favor of…

2 months ago

Massive Takedown by Europol, FBI & Co: Terrorist Communications Disrupted

Last month, ongoing coordination between law enforcement has borne fruit — Europol, FBI, and others have taken down servers hosting…

2 months ago

Real-life Crypto Hack: Cryptocurrency Stolen in a Series of Home Invasions

What if we told you that people are breaking into homes with the sole intent of stealing cryptocurrency? Learn about…

2 months ago

The Binance Crypto Hack Costs a Chinese Man $1 Million

A Binance crypto hack through a malicious Chrome plugin has allowed cyber crooks to steal nearly $1 million from an…

2 months ago

Understanding Hacker Forums: From Data Breaches to Porn

Hacker forums are communities for hackers to interact and share their thoughts. Read this blog and understand everything you need…

2 months ago

The Story of RaidForums

In its prime, RaidForums was one of the most prominent English-speaking hacking forums. The forum is now taken down: here…

2 months ago