An Enterprise Edition of The BreachDirectory API Is Now Available!

2 years ago

In this blog, we walk you through the Enteprise edition of the BreachDirectory API.

What Is Password Hashing? Password Hashing Explained

2 years ago

In this blog, we walk you through password hashing - you'll learn what it is, how it works, and what…

CCPA (CPRA) Is Coming – What’s On the Radar?

2 years ago

In this blog, we explain the Californian GDPR - the CCPA. We tell you what it is, how it works,…

How to Prevent a Data Leak?

2 years ago

In this blog, we walk you through the steps necessary to prevent a data leak in your organization.

“This Password Has Appeared In a Data Leak.” What Now?

2 years ago

In this blog, we walk you through your options once you're aware that you're at risk of identity theft.

What Makes a Good Data Breach Checker?

2 years ago

In this blog, we discuss what makes or breaks a data breach search engine.

APIs: What Are They, How They Work, and Where Should They Be Used?

2 years ago

In this blog, we explain the importance of API services: we tell you what they are, how they work, and…

Composite Indexes in Databases: What are They?

2 years ago

In this blog, we tell you it all about composite indexes - what they are, how they work, and when…

The Data Breach Investigation and Mitigation Checklist

2 years ago

In this blog, we provide you with the data breach investigation and mitigation checklist necessary to avoid mishaps when dealing…

Protecting Applications From RCE with a Single Function: a Cheat Sheet

2 years ago

In this blog post, we provide you with a cheat sheet to quickly protect your web applications from Remote Code…