It is speculated that a Chinese gaming website 7k7k suffered a data breach in December 2011. The hack is thought to be part of a series of attacks directed at Chinese IT portals, gaming and social networking websites. The data leak has surfaced after China’s largest programmers’ website CSDN (China Software Developer Network) suffered a data breach.
The data that the 7k7k data breach has put at risk include email addresses and passwords. As 7k7k is based in China, both email addresses and passwords often include some sort of Chinese character combination.
There is a very wide range of email addresses used in this data breach – 7k7k clearly had users from multiple different countries. Judging from the analysis, their users mostly came from China, but the service also had users from United States, Japan, Hong Kong and Taiwan. Having multiple countries, we can also measure the distance between them, then see how far apart their customers are (all calculations are done in kilometers):
The average distance between customers is 5,940.7km.
The used email domains also allow us to understand which countries users originated from:
# | Email Domain | Quantity | Country |
1 | | 1,869,224 | China |
2 | | 1,551,070 | China |
3 | | 1,157,638 | China |
4 | | 659,552 | China |
5 | | 455,188 | China |
6 | | 306,840 | China |
7 | | 279,484 | United States |
8 | | 195,233 | China |
9 | | 124,495 | China |
10 | | 84,261 | China |
11 | | 78,788 | China |
12 | | 77,557 | United States |
13 | | 53,239 | United States |
14 | | 43,055 | China |
15 | | 37,493 | China |
16 | | 34,812 | China |
17 | | 28,427 | China |
18 | | 25,736 | China |
19 | YAHOO.COM.TW | 21,655 | Taiwan |
20 | | 17,928 | United States |
21 | | 17,415 | China |
22 | 16,645 | Unknown | |
23 | | 16,286 | China |
24 | | 11,360 | China |
25 | | 10,377 | Hong Kong |
26 | | 9,812 | China |
27 | | 9,595 | China |
28 | | 9,491 | Unknown |
29 | | 7,879 | Unknown |
30 | | 7,469 | China |
31 | | 7,009 | China |
32 | | 5,810 | China |
33 | | 5,150 | China |
34 | | 5,000 | China |
35 | | 4,534 | United States |
36 | 163.COM.CN | 3,891 | China |
37 | | 3,610 | China |
38 | | 3,554 | China |
39 | | 3,209 | China |
40 | | 3,130 | China |
41 | | 2,956 | China |
42 | | 2,874 | Unknown |
43 | | 2,539 | China |
44 | 163.CN | 2,352 | China |
45 | | 2,320 | China |
46 | | 2,229 | Unknown |
47 | | 2,152 | China |
48 | | 1,997 | Unknown |
49 | | 1,950 | China |
50 | | 1,939 | China |
From the analysis of the top 50 email domains we can see that:
Having analyzed the top 50 email domains, it is noticeable that 1.86319885277787% of the entire user base is not included in this list – that’s approximately 138,333 people.
Having a glimpse at the most prevalent passwords used by people who used the 7k7k service, we can see that not all of the passwords used are ordinary – there’s a lot of at what might seem at first gibberish passwords among the usual ones. Here’s the top 50 passwords used:
# | Password | Quantity |
1 | 123456 | 550,346 |
2 | 111111 | 153,044 |
3 | 0 | 109,405 |
4 | 123456789 | 84,680 |
5 | 123123 | 68,999 |
6 | 111222tianya | 64,822 |
7 | 5201314 | 40,292 |
8 | 12345678 | 26,652 |
9 | 123321 | 25,119 |
10 | 123 | 21,041 |
11 | 666666 | 18,964 |
12 | wangyut2 | 17,016 |
13 | 888888 | 16,770 |
14 | 7758521 | 15,754 |
15 | 1234567 | 15,396 |
16 | 11111111 | 13,871 |
17 | 1314520 | 13,801 |
18 | 111222 | 13,197 |
19 | woaini | 12,856 |
20 | 654321 | 12,079 |
21 | 112233 | 11,344 |
22 | a123456 | 10,237 |
23 | 88888888 | 9,317 |
24 | 123654 | 9,247 |
25 | 100200 | 9,142 |
26 | 520520 | 8,540 |
27 | 1234567890 | 8,344 |
28 | 123456a | 8,252 |
29 | 121212 | 8,149 |
30 | 999999 | 8,080 |
31 | 123698745 | 7,837 |
32 | AAAAAA | 7,684 |
33 | 110110 | 7,632 |
34 | 7758258 | 7,580 |
35 | 123123123 | 7,317 |
36 | 5211314 | 7,147 |
37 | asdasd | 6,744 |
38 | 1111111 | 6,669 |
39 | 147258 | 6,432 |
40 | zxcvbnm | 5,770 |
41 | iloveyou | 5,765 |
42 | 222222 | 5,487 |
43 | 159357 | 5,418 |
44 | 1234 | 5,380 |
45 | 12345 | 5,251 |
46 | 1 | 5,247 |
47 | 147258369 | 5,169 |
48 | 31415926 | 4,721 |
49 | 521521 | 4,628 |
50 | 333333 | 4,578 |
Among those passwords starting from number 60 we would have another list – this time, with unusual passwords included (unusual passwords are bold):
# | Password | Quantity |
60 | EtnXtxSa65 | 3,728 |
61 | 137900 | 3,718 |
62 | 123000 | 3,652 |
63 | 789456 | 3,642 |
64 | qwerty | 3,642 |
65 | 1qaz2wsx | 3,635 |
66 | 774517397 | 3,632 |
67 | qazwsx | 3,518 |
68 | 456852 | 3,463 |
69 | 456123 | 3,454 |
70 | 201314 | 3,354 |
71 | 111 | 3,281 |
72 | 778899 | 3,190 |
73 | sgdHhfC4x2 | 3,126 |
74 | abc123 | 3,076 |
75 | 789456123 | 2,896 |
76 | NBvBB32fa9 | 2,892 |
77 | ApjSqpM844 | 2,876 |
78 | zzzzzz | 2,869 |
79 | kb9zc8uxtx | 2,862 |
80 | password | 2,740 |
81 | 666888 | 2,701 |
82 | 584520 | 2,699 |
83 | uifKjhF522 | 2,674 |
84 | JxsGx2Yd87 | 2,662 |
85 | 753951 | 2,622 |
86 | 1q2w3e4r | 2,607 |
87 | ndaCebx2wx | 2,592 |
88 | 123789 | 2,537 |
89 | sxUaIehAtp | 2,528 |
90 | qwe123 | 2,481 |
91 | qweqwe | 2,468 |
92 | 2m66xF2AJT | 2,468 |
93 | vjfLkiG522 | 2,436 |
94 | 102030 | 2,422 |
95 | cazzo1001 | 2,414 |
96 | qwqwqw | 2,407 |
97 | windows | 2,395 |
98 | asd123 | 2,372 |
99 | 6Cxd2X986x | 2,372 |
100 | 1111111111 | 2,370 |
101 | qfcFgdA3zx | 2,366 |
102 | 110120 | 2,365 |
103 | 11111 | 2,328 |
104 | d54q7xjmhx | 2,328 |
105 | zxcvbn | 2,328 |
106 | PCwAC33gb9 | 2,324 |
107 | 1230123 | 2,323 |
108 | 101010 | 2,321 |
109 | 1234560 | 2,319 |
110 | qq123456 | 2,319 |
111 | 314159 | 2,293 |
112 | i97wb6sxq7 | 2,290 |
113 | 147896325 | 2,289 |
114 | b33m6yghef | 2,282 |
115 | 456789 | 2,277 |
116 | xm55xExBZS | 2,274 |
117 | lssy123 | 2,274 |
118 | 168168 | 2,259 |
119 | mcaBdaw2vx | 2,258 |
120 | CrkUrrP954 | 2,250 |
121 | d54p7xjkha | 2,248 |
122 | 3uc9xN53xH | 2,242 |
123 | jianfei000 | 2,220 |
124 | 777777 | 2,210 |
125 | qwertyuiop | 2,209 |
126 | 4wdaxQ642F | 2,194 |
127 | theIigD4x2 | 2,190 |
128 | asdfasdf | 2,188 |
129 | 7Fxf3Jba8t | 2,188 |
130 | 11223344 | 2,158 |
131 | 110119 | 2,157 |
132 | yniQnmK733 | 2,154 |
133 | 987654 | 2,153 |
134 | 131421 | 2,118 |
135 | 7758520 | 2,114 |
136 | zWN6Vbdvpj | 2,108 |
137 | 741852 | 2,078 |
138 | asdfgh | 2,072 |
139 | 8x2h4Fddap | 2,052 |
140 | tangkay | 2,040 |
141 | LztEz2xe98 | 2,038 |
142 | 789789 | 2,025 |
143 | e65r82kni2 | 2,010 |
144 | g86ua5qsn5 | 2,008 |
145 | ymhPnmJ733 | 1,984 |
146 | 147852 | 1,982 |
147 | 6Exe3Za97v | 1,980 |
148 | 131420 | 1,979 |
149 | 1,978 | |
150 | xj453CxDXQ | 1,978 |
151 | VHBtH55jec | 1,976 |
152 | 4yfb2S753C | 1,960 |
153 | 123654789 | 1,952 |
154 | FRI3Q9arjg | 1,940 |
155 | 709394 | 1,936 |
156 | ZLEnK77nge | 1,932 |
157 | 5bt2jtzTKE | 1,918 |
158 | 2r97xJ3xEY | 1,912 |
159 | 963852 | 1,893 |
160 | c44n6vijgc | 1,892 |
161 | a12345 | 1,886 |
162 | 211314 | 1,867 |
163 | a33k5Afgdh | 1,852 |
164 | xfx3ayFJRK | 1,844 |
165 | 12301230 | 1,841 |
166 | zouyong | 1,838 |
167 | xgx39zGISL | 1,836 |
168 | majiajun8888 | 1,832 |
169 | 741852963 | 1,830 |
170 | diank123 | 1,812 |
171 | SEyxE44hca | 1,796 |
172 | asdfghjkl | 1,781 |
173 | 8xxg4Gcc9q | 1,768 |
174 | 12341234 | 1,765 |
175 | woaiwojia | 1,762 |
176 | f5GhyjqHAv | 1,752 |
177 | caonima | 1,749 |
178 | DsmWssR955 | 1,748 |
179 | 7007 | 1,747 |
180 | 123abc | 1,744 |
181 | 19960309 | 1,744 |
182 | ja8yc8uxsx | 1,734 |
183 | 808080 | 1,733 |
184 | 5845201314 | 1,726 |
185 | JMFxL78nhe | 1,716 |
186 | UGAuG55jdb | 1,716 |
187 | 5zgb2T764B | 1,712 |
188 | 951753 | 1,709 |
189 | 555666 | 1,706 |
190 | XJCrI66kfd | 1,694 |
191 | xk55xDxCYR | 1,694 |
192 | 1q2w3e | 1,694 |
193 | 999999999 | 1,694 |
194 | xi345BJFVP | 1,676 |
195 | 10203 | 1,667 |
196 | 20080808 | 1,659 |
197 | b43m6xhiee | 1,654 |
198 | 3344520 | 1,644 |
199 | woaini1314 | 1,634 |
200 | 28zxrpvNFA | 1,630 |
201 | a123456789 | 1,623 |
202 | 456456 | 1,619 |
203 | abcd1234 | 1,611 |
204 | f76t93nqk3 | 1,610 |
205 | HvqJvxVb76 | 1,610 |
206 | 12344321 | 1,606 |
207 | 123456789a | 1,601 |
208 | 1123581321 | 1,600 |
209 | 369369 | 1,597 |
210 | 579395571 | 1,596 |
211 | g76t94prm4 | 1,596 |
212 | qebEfcz3yx | 1,596 |
213 | 25257758 | 1,583 |
214 | 321654 | 1,577 |
215 | 2n66xG2zIU | 1,574 |
216 | wkgMkjH623 | 1,558 |
217 | 112358 | 1,552 |
218 | HwrIwxWc76 | 1,552 |
219 | q123456 | 1,549 |
220 | woshishui | 1,546 |
221 | DSK4R9bskh | 1,542 |
222 | 28zxrpuNFA | 1,540 |
223 | 111111111 | 1,537 |
224 | 6cs2huAULF | 1,534 |
225 | 3sa8xK4xDZ | 1,528 |
226 | 123456abc | 1,518 |
227 | GvqJvxVb76 | 1,516 |
228 | 2q87xI3vFX | 1,512 |
229 | HPH2N89qif | 1,506 |
230 | AVM6Ubdunj | 1,500 |
231 | qazwsxedc | 1,489 |
232 | 4xeaxR653E | 1,484 |
233 | 20082008 | 1,484 |
234 | m2YdEgkDws | 1,480 |
235 | 445566 | 1,479 |
236 | 520530 | 1,478 |
237 | xh246AIGUN | 1,474 |
238 | 564335 | 1,473 |
239 | uIS9Zdgysn | 1,470 |
240 | shmily | 1,469 |
241 | 246810 | 1,469 |
242 | 7895123 | 1,468 |
243 | RDxyD43hca | 1,468 |
244 | 922i4Deebm | 1,466 |
245 | 963852741 | 1,455 |
246 | 922i4Ceebk | 1,452 |
247 | 3.1415926 | 1,452 |
248 | tianya | 1,448 |
249 | 444444 | 1,439 |
250 | a123123 | 1,436 |
251 | xiaoxiao | 1,434 |
252 | 135246 | 1,433 |
253 | ja8yc7txs8 | 1,432 |
254 | ja8xb7txr8 | 1,422 |
255 | DsmVssQ955 | 1,420 |
256 | BqkTqqN844 | 1,418 |
257 | i4IfBinFyu | 1,416 |
258 | rui100 | 1,410 |
259 | wang123 | 1,409 |
260 | 1234qwer | 1,409 |
261 | JMFxL78phe | 1,402 |
262 | ww111111 | 1,397 |
263 | e65r82mnj2 | 1,392 |
264 | 7Fxf3Jaa7u | 1,390 |
265 | 584521 | 1,388 |
266 | 5Bhc2V875z | 1,386 |
267 | zniRpnL744 | 1,386 |
268 | 2r97xJ3xEX | 1,382 |
269 | e65r82mpj2 | 1,376 |
270 | x7BktntLEz | 1,372 |
271 | xYQ7Xcewqk | 1,370 |
272 | 476730751 | 1,370 |
273 | f75s83nqk3 | 1,370 |
274 | IxrHx2Xc87 | 1,366 |
275 | h87va5rtp6 | 1,362 |
276 | 336699 | 1,361 |
277 | 4xebxR653D | 1,358 |
278 | i98xb7sxr7 | 1,356 |
279 | KytFy2xd98 | 1,354 |
280 | 8x2h4Eddan | 1,354 |
281 | qweasd | 1,346 |
282 | xkhNmkI633 | 1,344 |
283 | 3tb9xM42xI | 1,342 |
284 | 8en3dwDXPI | 1,338 |
285 | abc123456 | 1,324 |
286 | 5zgc2T764B | 1,324 |
287 | 922i4Ddebm | 1,322 |
288 | 654123 | 1,315 |
289 | FupYuxTa66 | 1,310 |
290 | 134679 | 1,306 |
291 | xk45xDxCYR | 1,302 |
292 | g76u94prm4 | 1,300 |
293 | 2p76xG2yHV | 1,296 |
294 | 3651118xun | 1,294 |
295 | KytFy2xd97 | 1,294 |
296 | LzuDz2xe98 | 1,294 |
297 | z123456 | 1,287 |
298 | e5FhxkqIBw | 1,286 |
299 | 123465 | 1,284 |
300 | 251314 | 1,283 |
301 | g86u94psn5 | 1,280 |
302 | 87654321 | 1,278 |
303 | b43n6whifd | 1,274 |
304 | 721521 | 1,266 |
305 | 4yfb2S753D | 1,266 |
306 | QDxzC43gba | 1,264 |
307 | 911911 | 1,261 |
308 | 888999 | 1,253 |
309 | 258369 | 1,253 |
310 | 5Ahc2V875z | 1,252 |
311 | c44n6vijfc | 1,242 |
312 | k3ZeDhmExs | 1,238 |
313 | 135790 | 1,238 |
314 | a7CkuntLDy | 1,236 |
315 | mc9Ad9w2ux | 1,232 |
316 | xh248zHHTM | 1,232 |
317 | xfk3bxEZQJ | 1,224 |
318 | WIBsH56kec | 1,224 |
319 | a11111 | 1,223 |
320 | TFzwF44idb | 1,220 |
321 | wZQ8Xcfxqm | 1,220 |
322 | wwwwww | 1,218 |
323 | 4vdaxP542G | 1,218 |
324 | pdbDfby2xx | 1,218 |
325 | 811009 | 1,215 |
326 | 3ub9xM53xI | 1,212 |
327 | 22222222 | 1,209 |
328 | yangyang | 1,208 |
329 | asdasdasd | 1,206 |
330 | 518518 | 1,206 |
331 | zxczxc | 1,203 |
332 | buzhidao | 1,203 |
333 | TGzvF55idb | 1,202 |
334 | n2XcFgjCvr | 1,194 |
335 | 124578 | 1,191 |
336 | aaaaaaaa | 1,186 |
337 | wZR8Ycfxrm | 1,182 |
338 | p2WcFfjCvr | 1,176 |
339 | h4HgAipGzu | 1,172 |
340 | FQI3P8arjg | 1,168 |
341 | 118720 | 1,166 |
342 | 232323 | 1,164 |
343 | YKDpJ67mgd | 1,162 |
344 | HPG2N89qif | 1,160 |
345 | 2p76xH2xHV | 1,156 |
346 | abcdefg | 1,155 |
347 | BqkTrqN844 | 1,154 |
348 | theIigE4x2 | 1,154 |
349 | w123456 | 1,153 |
350 | guo150 | 1,152 |
351 | woainima | 1,151 |
352 | 111000 | 1,148 |
353 | a22j5Bffci | 1,142 |
354 | a111111 | 1,140 |
355 | x8AxspuMEz | 1,134 |
356 | majiajun | 1,134 |
357 | qweasdzxc | 1,134 |
358 | 4weaxQ642E | 1,134 |
359 | 258258 | 1,127 |
360 | 922j5Cefcj | 1,126 |
361 | wkgMmjH623 | 1,122 |
362 | GvqZvxUb76 | 1,122 |
363 | ncaBeax2vx | 1,122 |
364 | q1w2e3r4 | 1,121 |
365 | wocaonima | 1,121 |
366 | vJS9Zdgyrn | 1,120 |
367 | f76t94prm4 | 1,110 |
368 | 12121212 | 1,109 |
369 | 3tb8xL42BJ | 1,108 |
370 | xh247AHGUM | 1,108 |
371 | xi345BIFVN | 1,106 |
372 | yXP7Wbewpk | 1,106 |
373 | loveyou | 1,104 |
374 | pebDfcz3yx | 1,100 |
375 | qxVbGfiBuq | 1,098 |
376 | qecEgdA3zx | 1,096 |
377 | 7654321 | 1,096 |
378 | c54p7uikgb | 1,094 |
379 | zniQpnK733 | 1,094 |
380 | 147852369 | 1,094 |
381 | 666999 | 1,092 |
382 | ffffff | 1,092 |
383 | JysGy2Yd87 | 1,090 |
384 | 8x2h4Fccap | 1,090 |
385 | 123457 | 1,090 |
386 | BUL5Tacumi | 1,088 |
387 | c6DjvmsKCx | 1,088 |
388 | pebEfcz3yx | 1,088 |
389 | 5845211314 | 1,088 |
390 | 120120 | 1,084 |
391 | 121314 | 1,084 |
392 | tHTaJehzsp | 1,084 |
393 | 119119 | 1,083 |
394 | 142536 | 1,083 |
395 | p2XcFgjCvr | 1,078 |
396 | 3344521 | 1,077 |
397 | 4wdaxP642F | 1,076 |
398 | 5203344 | 1,076 |
399 | b43m6xhife | 1,074 |
400 | 123456q | 1,073 |
401 | 584131421 | 1,072 |
402 | 39xxpqwQHB | 1,070 |
403 | 7cr2guBVMG | 1,070 |
404 | k3ZeChmExt | 1,070 |
405 | 111222333 | 1,067 |
406 | 2n76xG2yIU | 1,066 |
407 | weiwei | 1,065 |
408 | 520123 | 1,062 |
409 | 2q87xI3wGW | 1,058 |
410 | FupYuxTb66 | 1,054 |
411 | 7Exe3Zaa7u | 1,052 |
412 | a22j5Bffcj | 1,052 |
413 | 5Ahc2U874A | 1,048 |
414 | qwe123456 | 1,048 |
415 | CrmVssQ955 | 1,042 |
416 | 12369874 | 1,042 |
417 | 123456aa | 1,040 |
418 | 852456 | 1,037 |
419 | 1.23457E+11 | 1,035 |
420 | 29yxqqvPGB | 1,032 |
421 | zxc123 | 1,028 |
422 | yXP7Wcewpk | 1,026 |
423 | pebDfcy3xx | 1,026 |
424 | INGxM78phf | 1,026 |
425 | rxVbHfiBuq | 1,022 |
426 | h97wa6ruq6 | 1,020 |
427 | 9em3dwDYPI | 1,020 |
428 | g4HgzjpHzv | 1,018 |
429 | vjgLkiG522 | 1,018 |
430 | UHAuG55jec | 1,016 |
431 | h123698745 | 1,016 |
432 | rgdGheB4xx | 1,016 |
433 | FtpYuxTa65 | 1,014 |
434 | 131313 | 1,012 |
435 | CTK4Sabtmi | 1,010 |
436 | IwrHw2Xc87 | 1,006 |
437 | j3JeChmExt | 1,006 |
438 | 2q87xI3wFW | 1,006 |
439 | 3ta8xL42CJ | 1,006 |
440 | 147369 | 1,006 |
441 | qwer1234 | 1,005 |
442 | b6DjvmsKCx | 1,002 |
443 | REyxE44hca | 1,000 |
444 | theJigE4x2 | 996 |
445 | xmhPnkJ633 | 996 |
446 | 1q2w3e4r5t | 993 |
447 | 24081986 | 990 |
448 | wanshuai198202 | 990 |
449 | 521314 | 985 |
450 | CrmVsrQ955 | 984 |
451 | uieJjhE5x2 | 984 |
452 | 1230 | 982 |
453 | YKDpK67mgd | 978 |
454 | d6EiwkrJBx | 978 |
455 | BUL5Tactmi | 978 |
456 | forever | 974 |
457 | e65s83mpj2 | 972 |
458 | 7788521 | 972 |
459 | 556677 | 971 |
460 | IwrIwxWc87 | 970 |
461 | 123456123 | 970 |
462 | 4avxmsxRID | 968 |
463 | 521125 | 968 |
464 | QCwzC33gb9 | 966 |
465 | 820919 | 961 |
466 | 123456987 | 960 |
467 | aa123456 | 957 |
468 | i4JfBinFyt | 948 |
469 | h87va5qtp6 | 942 |
470 | fuckyou | 941 |
471 | 19870111 | 940 |
472 | nicholas | 939 |
473 | asd123456 | 936 |
474 | 1234566 | 935 |
475 | kb9Ad9vxux | 932 |
476 | rfcGgeB3xx | 932 |
477 | vjfKjiG522 | 932 |
478 | 1234abcd | 928 |
479 | ja8yc8txsx | 928 |
480 | 1234554321 | 927 |
481 | x7BxtntMEz | 924 |
482 | worinima | 923 |
483 | xmhNmkI633 | 922 |
484 | 3vc9xN53xH | 922 |
485 | 369258 | 920 |
486 | 5Ahc2U875A | 920 |
487 | 4awxnrxRIC | 920 |
488 | b33k5ygheg | 920 |
489 | 123456qq | 919 |
490 | 258456 | 919 |
491 | c44p7uijgb | 918 |
492 | QDxzD43gba | 916 |
493 | 6Exe3Ya97v | 916 |
494 | DSJ4R9bskh | 914 |
495 | 1357924680 | 913 |
496 | NBvCA32fa9 | 910 |
497 | 520025 | 909 |
498 | 7Gxf3Ibb8s | 908 |
499 | 110 | 907 |
500 | 922i4Deebk | 902 |
Obviously, the exact count of “unusual” passwords is up for debate, but if we take the top 500 used passwords and count passwords that were in use on the service and are classified as unusual (such passwords are visible in bold), we would have 229 instances of unusual password usage and 329,847 total unusual passwords in use.
If we count from the top 500 used passwords, 229 instances of unusual password usage would consume 45.8% of the top 500 passwords and if we count unusual passwords against all of the passwords that have been used, we could see that unusual passwords consume 4.442657278703887% of the entire user base – that means that unusual passwords have been used by approximately 329,847 people.
It is likely that these passwords were typed on keyboards that had a different layout than the “qwerty” keyboards do – in China, Pinyin is a very prevalent keyboard layout so it is likely that this layout was used. The majority of the unusual passwords consist of 10 characters and contain uppercase, lowercase letters and numbers without any special symbols – that means that it is very unlikely for them to have been generated by a password manager as the vast majority of password managers include special symbols in generated passwords unless specified otherwise.
In this case, unusual passwords are usually of 33 bits of entropy which means that they could be cracked relatively quickly – a supercomputer could crack such passwords in approximately 5 seconds and a PC with a GPU could crack such passwords in approximately 10 hours.
As the 7k7k data leak surfaced after a part of a continuous cyber attack after China’s largest programmers’ website CSDN (China Software Developer Network) suffered a data breach, this data leak might show that not all hackers choose their targets. Dubbed “the most serious Chinese user data leak in history”, this data breach should teach the affected people a lesson – users should enhance the protection of their personal account information by using password managers that allow them to choose complicated passwords and change them regularly.
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