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Does Somebody
Have Your

The API and search engine provided by BreachDirectory helps your company ensure that identity theft and data breaches are a thing of the past.

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What Is a Data Breach ?

What is it?

A data breach is an incident where information existing in a system is accessed by an unauthorized third party without the knowledge of the owner of the system.


The probability that your company will suffer a data breach is 27.7% according to research made by IBM Security and other companies.

Why does it happen?

Attackers are usually interested in personal information – the more personal information the system a business owns stores, the more interesting it is for an attacker.

API Pricing

We offer a couple of API pricing plans to choose from, so you can pick which one is the most suitable for you to achieve your goals. Prices are defined per user. All prices exclude VAT. We will provide you an API key via email within 24 hours after your payment has been confirmed.

Wildcard & Regex Search

Ability to Use the Wildcard and Regex Searches in the Search Engine

29.99 €/month

  • Access to the Wildcard Search Method
  • Access to the Regex Search Method
  • Unlimited Amount of Requests
  • Blazing Fast Speed
  • Availability 24/7/365

Bulk API Plan - Best Value

Ability to Run Searches In Bulk Using the API

59.99 €/month

  • The Ability to Provide the API with a Text File of Accounts to Search For
  • The Ability to Perform Bulk Account Searches Through the API
  • Data Formatted for Fast & Easy Exporting
  • Availability 24/7/365
  • Access to Hundreds of Data Breaches at Once
  • Blazing Fast Speed
  • Unlimited Systems to Integrate the API Into
  • Unlimited Amount of Requests

This plan provides you with the ability to run bulk account searches through the API.


Unlimited Reseller Plan

API Reselling Capability

49.99 €/month

  • Availability 24/7/365
  • Access to Hundreds of Data Breaches at Once
  • Blazing Fast Speed
  • Unlimited Systems to Integrate the API Into
  • Unlimited Amount of Requests
  • Ability to Sell Personal API Keys*
  • Ability to Define the Price, Number of Requests, and Expiration Dates of All API Keys
  • Access to a Reseller Panel

* API keys are sold at your terms - you define the price and the request count: clever marketing will get you your money back in no-time.


Unlimited Singular API Access

Used to prevent account takeovers & fraud investigations

19.99 €/month

  • Availability 24/7/365
  • Access to All Data Breaches at Once
  • Blazing Fast Speed
  • Unlimited Systems to Integrate the API Into
  • Unlimited Amount of Requests

Singular Plan

Popular – used by major universities and in personal OSINT projects

4.99 €/month

  • Availability 24/7/365
  • Access to All Data Breaches
  • Blazing Fast Speed
  • One System to Integrate the API Into
  • 500 Requests a Month

Our Statistics


of Records


Searches Made


Companies Secured

BreachDirectory have made extensive security tests and disclosed several issues (CSRF, XSS) on our site. They are professional, kind and responsive. It is a pleasure working with them!

- Simonas Orkinas, Chief Executive Officer @ Diginet LTU