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BreachDirectory is a premier data breach search engine housing some of the biggest data breaches in the world. Our users are primarily technology professionals of various seniority levels working in software engineering, security, or database industries.

The demographic of BreachDirectory is spread across a global audience with the top countries being the United States, India, Spain, France, UK, Brazil, and Canada. Thus, traffic towards BreachDirectory varies, but in general, the search engine receives around 5,000 unique visitors a week and around 20,000 to 30,000 unique visitors a month with the two of the most visited pages on BreachDirectory being the search page and the listing of data breaches.

Over the years, BreachDirectory has been featured on various prominent software, security, and database blogs, conferences, workshops, and other places: BreachDirectory has been featured by Percona, MariaDB, Severalnines, DbVisualizer, Redgate Software, dbWatch, amongst other companies, many of which have links to BreachDirectory or its search engine to this day through their blogs or other mediums.

BreachDirectory will craft high-quality blog posts made by experienced copywriters featuring your company/product on the BreachDirectory blog as well as provide ad placement.

Advertising placement includes the sponsor's message in a prominent yet non-obtrusive position at the top of each page and at the bottom of search results in the search engine. The ad placement is visible on all devices on all pages across breachdirectory.com: